Burlington Technical Center (BTC) provides students with the opportunity to explore careers and acquire skills in comprehensive technical programs of study.

All students are supported in working toward individual goals through immersive, hands-on study with highly trained professional instructors, experts in their career fields, in state-of-the-art labs and classrooms, and through experiential learning opportunities.
BTC’s half-day programs are a unique opportunity for students to develop academic and technical knowledge and skills in a morning or afternoon session while attending classes at their sending high school. BTC offers ten total programs: a one- year Pre-Tech Foundational programs for tenth graders, and nine two-year programs for eleventh and twelfth grade students, with the exception of Intro to Healthcare, which is a one-year program.
Most students starting our two-year programs are entering their junior year in high school. Students attend BTC daily in one session: morning (9:35-11:47 a.m.), or afternoon (12:09-2:21 p.m.)