Welcome to the Burlington School District Student Support Services!
Our goal is to help every child succeed. Student Support Services focuses on academic outcomes, aspirations for our students, parent/community engagement, and regulatory compliance. We provide our students with stability and continuity, new opportunities for inclusion, and higher-quality programs that are aligned with our district goals of equity for all students. In collaboration with all BSD schools, PreK-12, we strive to provide equitable opportunities to engage in high-quality instruction in the least restrictive environment, empowering each student to grow according to their ability.

Extended School Year Exploration at the airport 2018
What is Special Education?
Special education is the practice of educating students in a way that provides accommodations that address their individual differences, disabilities, and special needs. This process involves the individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of teaching procedures and may require adapted equipment and materials, and accessible settings. These interventions are designed to help individuals with special needs achieve a higher level of personal self-sufficiency and success in school and in their community which may not be available if the student were only given access to typical classroom education. Special Education is separate from a 504 plan, as a 504 plan supports students with disabilities with accommodations and services to access the general education curriculum. Special Education provides students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that includes specialized services, modifications, and accommodations. The goal of the IEP is to allow students with disabilities to learn in the way that best meets their individual needs and in the least restrictive educational environment.
Child Find Notice
Burlington School District is required by federal law to locate, identify and evaluate all children with disabilities. The process of locating, identifying, and evaluating children with disabilities is known as child find. Burlington School District schools conduct Kindergarten screening each spring, but parents may call to make an appointment to discuss their concerns at any time. Burlington School District has the responsibility to identify and provide services to any child with special needs who may require special education and related services in order to access and benefit from public education.
If you have or know of any Burlington resident with a disability under the age of 21 or a child who attends a private school located in Burlington VT, we would like to hear from you. Special education services may be available to their children. Please contact the Executive Director of Student Support Services, Kellie Klasen at kklasen@bsdvt.org or 802-864-8456.
Glossary of Key Special Education Terms
Student Support Services Employee and Needs Directory
Student Support Services Main Number | Tel: 802-864-8456
- Executive Director of Student Support Services: Special Education/504 Administrator – Kellie Klasen, kklasen@bsdvt.org. Contact for special education, 504, nursing, substance abuse, Discrete Trial Instruction, and other support issues PreK – 12.
- Associate Directors:
Jennifer Doyle (K-5th grade), jdoyle@bsdvt.org
Erika Saunders (9-12th grade), esaunder@bsdvt.org - Special Education Out of District Liaison: Case Manager for Independent Schools – Sally Martin, smartin@bsdvt.org. Contact for questions related to students in independent school placements due to special education team determinations.
- Administrative Assistant/Homelessness Liaison: Parent and staff contact – Wilhelmenia Kirk, wkirk@bsdvt.org. Administrative Assistant to Dir. Student Support Services and contact for questions related to Homelessness in Burlington School District.
- Administrative Assistant/Special Education Student Transportation: Parent and staff contact– Laurie Burrington, lburring@bsdvt.org. Administrative Assistant to Dir. Student Support Services and contact for questions related to transportation of students with disabilities in Burlington School District.
- Medicaid Clerks, Elizabeth Oliver, eoliver@bsdvt.org and Lisa Kuehn, lkuehn@bsdvt.org. Medicaid Compliance and Education Reimbursement Office
Parent & Guardian Resources
Parental Rights and Procedures – English and Translated
US Dept of Education: IDEA – Information about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Vermont Agency of Education Website – The Agency of Education of Vermont website. This is a good resource for forms, processes and contacts specific to Vermont education needs for all students.
Vermont’s Policy and Procedures: Significant Disproportionality in Special Education: Measurement of racial and ethnic disparity in special education outcomes. Disproportionality becomes significant when the overrepresentation exceeds a defined threshold.
Notice of Procedural Safeguards – English – Information for families about special education rules
Notice of Procedural Safeguards – Translated – Translated information for families about special education rules in 13 languages
Vermont Special Education Rules – The unannotated special education rules for Vermont
Private School Parent Rights Notification – Responsibility of the Burlington School District for the provision of special education services to students enrolled in private schools
Staff Resources
24-25 Paraeducator Calendar at a Glance
Please visit our Staff Portal if you are a staff member in need of staff forms, procedures, or other information for this department.