Burlington School Food Project is providing free boxes of food for families available at 10 sites throughout the city. Each meal kit is intended to cover breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks for one child for one week (7 days)! You can pick up food boxes Friday, December 18, Wednesday, December 23rd, and Wednesday, December 30th. You can get one box per child in your household under 19 years of age, and you do not have to have your child with you to pick up food. Please see more information below or contact Doug Davis with any questions.
Friday, December 18
3:00-4:30 PM BHS Parking, Sustainability Academy, Champlain Elementary
5:00-6 PM Boys & Girls Club of Burlington
Riverside Apartments 12:30-1 PM (Time is approximate. Contact Boys & Girls Club if you need assistance.)
Salmon Run 12:45- 1:15 PM (Time is approximate. Contact Boys & Girls Club if you need assistance.)
Wednesdays, December 23rd and 30th
3:00-4:30 PM BHS, Sustainability Academy, Champlain Elementary, Boys & Girls Club (this is a new time for the Club, for break weeks only)
Bobbin Mill 11:00-11:30 AM
Franklin Square 11:00-11:30 AM
South Meadow 11:45 AM -12:15 PM
Northgate 11:45 AM -12:15 PM
Riverside Apartments 5:30 PM
Salmon Run 6:00 PM